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spacecraft orbit中文是什么意思

用"spacecraft orbit"造句"spacecraft orbit"怎么读"spacecraft orbit" in a sentence


  • 航天器轨道


  • The spacecraft orbited mars three times
  • The spacecraft orbited the earth 14 times and reached an altitude of 343 kilometers
  • The landsat spacecraft orbits the polar regions of the earth at a height of 920 kilometers
  • While spacecraft orbiting mars can show objects in greater detail , they often cannot make an image of the entire planet at once
  • Said dr . james w . head iii , a professor of geological sciences . photographs taken by a spacecraft orbiting mars indicate that active volcanoes may still exist on the planet
  • The u . s . spacecraft mercury - atlas 5 is launched with enos , a chimpanzee , aboard ( the spacecraft orbited the earth twice and splashed - down off the coast of puerto rico )
    1961年,美国宇宙飞船水星宇宙神5号载着一只叫以挪士的黑猩猩发射升空(飞船绕地球轨道飞行了2周后落入波多黎各海岸的水中) 。
  • The u . s . spacecraft mercury - atlas 5 is launched with enos , a chimpa 6886536 ee , aboard ( the spacecraft orbited the earth twice and splashed - down off the coast of puerto rico )
    1961年,美国宇宙飞船水星宇宙神5号载着一只叫以挪士的黑猩猩发射升空(飞船绕地球轨道飞行了2周后落入波多黎各海岸的水中) 。
  • Accroding the models , design idea and development setting are put forward . combing the spacecraft orbit , attitude dynamics with computer graphics , the satellite simulation software based on 3d real - time display technique is developed
  • Selecting the image elements of earth and moon centers as observed quantity , measurement noise model and observed equations of autonomous navigation system are built up . the spacecraft orbit is determined by using the recursive weighted least square based on ud factorization
用"spacecraft orbit"造句  
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